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副院长 饶志国

发布人:拉斯维加斯3499日期:2022年06月30日 12:13浏览数:




























[1]Rao Zhiguo*, Guo Haichun, Wei Shikai, Cao Jiantao, Jia Guodong. Influence of water conditions on peat brGDGTs: A modern investigation and its paleoclimatic implications. Chemical Geology, 2022, 606, 120993 (SCI-2; top journal).

[2]Wei Shikai, Guo Haichun, Cao Jiantao, Jia Guodong, Chen Mingzhi,Rao Zhiguo*. In-situ provenance of brGDGTs in peat sediments: A case study from southern China and a comparison of global results. Organic Geochemistry, 2022, 167, 104373 (SCI-3).

[3]Rao Zhiguo*, Tian Yiping, Guang Kaiyue, Wei Shikai, Guo Haichun, Feng Zixian, Zhao Lin, Li Yunxia*. Pollen data as a temperature indicator in the late Holocene: A review of results on regional, continental and global scales. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10, 845650 (SCI-3).

[4]Cao Jiantao,Rao Zhiguo*, Shi Fuxi, Lian Ergang, Jia Guodong*. Novel lake-level records support a mid-Holocene maximum precipitation in northern China. Science China Earth Sciences, 2021, 64(12), 2161-2171 (SCI-2).

[5]Rao Zhiguo*, Wei Shikai, Li Yunxia*, Guo Haichun, Chen Fahu. Cooling or warming climatic background for the expansion of human activity in arid inland China and the Tibetan Plateau over the past ~4000 years? Science Bulletin, 2021, 66, 1936-1938 (SCI-1; top journal).

[6]Rao Zhiguo*, Guo Haichun, Cao Jiantao, Shi Fuxi, Jia Guodong, Li Yunxia, Chen Fahu. Consistent long-term Holocene warming trend at different elevations in the Altai Mountains in arid central Asia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 2020, 35(8), 1036-1045 (SCI-2).

[7]Huang Chao,Rao Zhiguo*, Li Yunxia, Yang Wen, Liu Lidan, Zhang Xinping, Wu Yi. Holocene summer temperature in arid central Asia linked to millennial-scale North Atlantic climate events and driven by centennial-scale solar activity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020, 556, 109880 (SCI-2; top journal).

[8]Cao Jiantao,Rao Zhiguo*, Shi Fuxi, Jia Guodong*. Ice formation on lake surfaces in winter causes warm-season bias of lacustrine brGDGT temperature estimates. Biogeosciences, 2020, 17, 2521-2536 (SCI-2).

[9]Rao Zhiguo*, Tian Yiping, Li Yunxia, Guo Haichun, Zhang Xinzhu, Han Guang, Zhang Xinping. Holocene precipitation δ18O as an indicator of temperature history in arid central Asia: an overview of recent advances. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2020, 12(6), 371-3799 (ESCI).

[10]Li Yunxia, Tian Yiping, Guo Haichun, Wei Shikai, Cao Jiantao, Huang Chao, Shi Fuxi,Rao Zhiguo*. Complex ‘human-vegetation-climate’ interactions in the late Holocene and their significance for paleotemperature reconstructions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117(11), 5568-5570 (SCI-1; top journal).

[11]Li Yunxia,Rao Zhiguo*, Xu Qinghai, Zhang Shengrui, Liu Xiaokang, Wang Zongli, Cheng Hai, R. Lawrence Edwards, Chen Fahu. Inter-relationship and environmental significance of stalagmite δ13C and δ18O records from Zhenzhu Cave, north China, over the last 130 ka. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 536, 116149 (SCI-1; top journal).

[12]Rao Zhiguo*, Shi Fuxi, Li Yunxia, Huang Chao, Zhang Xinzhu, Yang Wen, Liu Lidan, Zhang Xinping, Wu Yi. Long-term winter/summer warming trends during the Holocene revealed by α-cellulose δ18O/δ13C records from an alpine peat core from central Asia.Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020, 232, 106217 (SCI-1; top journal).

[13]Wu Dandan, Cao Jiantao, Jia Guodong, Guo Haichun, Shi Fuxi, Zhang Xinping,Rao Zhiguo*. Peat brGDGTs-based Holocene temperature history of the Altai Mountains in arid Central Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020, 538, 109464 (SCI-2; top journal).

[14]Shi Fuxi,Rao Zhiguo*, Li Yunxia, Cao Jiantao, Shi Xiaoyi, Li Chaozhu, Sun Weizhen. Precipitation δ18O recorded by the α‐cellulose δ18O of plant residues in surface soils: Evidence from a broad environmental gradient in inland China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2019, 33, 1440-1468 (SCI-1; top journal).

[15]Rao Zhiguo*, Huang Chao, Shi Fuxi, Zhang Xinzhu, Zhang Xinping. Reply to the comments on “Reconciling the ‘westerlies’ and ‘monsoon’ models: A new hypothesis for the Holocene moisture evolution of the Xinjiang region, NW China” by Dongliang Zhang and Yunpeng Yang. Earth-Science Reviews, 2019, 198, 102943 (SCI-1; top journal).

[16]Liu Xiaokang,Rao Zhiguo, Shen Chuan‐Chou, Liu Jianbao, Chen Jianhui, Chen Shengqian, Wang Xianfeng, Chen Fahu*. Holocene Solar Activity Imprint on Centennial‐ to Multidecadal‐Scale Hydroclimatic Oscillations in Arid Central Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2019, 124, 2562-2573 (SCI-2; top journal).

[17]Rao Zhiguo*, Wu Dandan, Shi Fuxi, Guo Haichun, Cao Jiantao, Chen Fahu. Reconciling the ‘westerlies’ and ‘monsoon’ models: A new hypothesis for the Holocene moisture evolution of the Xinjiang region, NW China. Earth-Science Reviews, 2019, 191, 263-272 (SCI-1; top journal).

[18]Shi Fuxi,Rao Zhiguo*, Cao Jiantao, Huang Chao, Wu Dandan, Yang Wen, Weizhen Sun. Meltwater is the dominant water source controlling α-cellulose δ18O in a vascular-plant-dominated alpine peatland in the Altai Mountains, Central Asia. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 572, 192-205 (SCI-1; top journal).

[19]Li Yunxia, Zhang Shengrui, Liu Xiaokang, Gao Yongli,Rao Zhiguo*. Variations of the stable isotopic composition of precipitation and cave drip water at Zhenzu Cave, north China: A two-year monitoring study. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 2019, 81(2), 123-135 (SCI-4).

[20]Rao Zhiguo*, Huang Chao, Xie Luhua, Shi Fuxi, Zhao Yan, Cao Jiantao, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Jianhua, Chen Fahu. Long-term summer warming trend during the Holocene in central Asia indicated by alpine peat a-cellulose δ13C record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019, 203, 56-67 (SCI-1; top journal).

[21]Zhu Zhaoyu*, Dennell Robin*, Huang Weiwen, Wu Yi, Qiu Shifan, Yang Shixia,Rao Zhiguo, Hou Yamei, Xie Jiubing, Han Jiangwei, Ouyang Tingping. Hominin occupation of the Chinese Loess Plateau since about 2.1 million years ago. Nature, 2018, 559(7715), 608-612 (SCI-1; top journal).

[22]Cao Jiantao,Rao Zhiguo*, Jia Guodong, Xu Qinghai, Chen Fahu. A 15 ka pH record from an alpine lake in north China derived from the cyclization ratio index of aquatic brGDGTs and its paleoclimatic significance. Organic Geochemistry, 2017, 109, 31-46 (SCI-2).

[23]Li Yunxia*,Rao Zhiguo, Cao Jiantao, Jiang Hong, Gao Yongli. Highly negative oxygen isotopes in precipitation in southwest China and their significance in paleoclimatic studies. Quaternary International, 2017, 440, 64-71 (SCI-3).

[24]Rao Zhiguo*, Guo Wenkang, Cao Jiantao, Shi Fuxi, Jiang Hong, Li Chaozhu. Relationship between the stable carbon isotopic composition of modern plants and surface soils and climate: A global review. Earth-Science Reviews, 2017, 165, 110-119 (SCI-1; top journal).

[25]Rao Zhiguo*, Li Yunxia, Zhang Jiawu, Jia Guodong, Chen Fahu. Investigating the long-term palaeoclimatic controls on the δD and δ18O of precipitation during the Holocene in the Indian and East Asian monsoonal regions.Earth-Science Reviews, 2016, 159, 292-305 (SCI-1; top journal).

[26]Rao Zhiguo*,Jia Guodong, Li Yunxia, Chen Jianhui, Xu Qinghai, Chen Fahu. Asynchronous evolution of the isotopic composition and amount of precipitation in north China during the Holocene revealed by a record of compound-specific carbon and hydrogen isotopes of long-chainn-alkanes from an alpine lake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016, 446, 68-76 (SCI-1; top journal).

[27]Li Guoqiang*,Rao Zhiguo, Duan Yanwu, Xia Dunsheng, Wang Leibin, Madsen David, Jia Jia, Wei Haitao, Qiang Mingrui, Chen Jianhui, Chen Fahu. Paleoenvironmental changes recorded in a luminescence dated loess/paleosol sequence from the Tianshan Mountains, arid central Asia, since the Penultimate Glaciation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016, 448, 1-12 (SCI-1; top journal).

[28]Rao Zhiguo*, Qiang Mingrui, Jia Guodong, Li Yunxia, Dan Dan, Chen Fahu. A 15 ka lake water δD record from Genggahai Lake, northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and its paleoclimatic significance.Organic Geochemistry, 2016, 97, 5-16 (SCI-2).

[29]Rao Zhiguo*, Guo Wenkang, Xie Luhua, Huang Chao, Liu Xiaokang, Hua Hui, Chen Fahu.High resolution δ13CTOCand magnetic susceptibility data from the late Early Pleistocene southern margins of the Chinese Loess Plateau.Organic Geochemistry, 2015, 87, 78-85 (SCI-2).

[30]Liu Xiaokang,Rao Zhiguo*, Zhang Xiaojian, Huang Wei, Chen Jianhui, Chen Fahu. Variations in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation in the Tianshan Mountains region and their significance for the Westerly circulation.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(7), 801-816.

[31]Rao Zhiguo*,Liu Xiaokang, Hua Hui, Gao Yongli, Chen Fahu. Evolving history of the East Asian summer monsoon intensity during the MIS5: inconsistent records from Chinese stalagmites and loess deposits.Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 73, 3937-3950.

[32]Rao Zhiguo*, Jia Guodong, Qiang Mingrui, Zhao Yan. Assessment of the difference between mid- and long chain compound specific δDn-alkanesvalues in lacustrine sediments as a paleoclimatic indicator. Organic Geochemistry, 2014, 76, 104-117 (SCI-2).

[33]Rao Zhiguo, Chen Fahu, Cheng Hai, Liu Weiguo, Wang Guo’an, Lai Zhongping, Jan Bloemendal. High-resolution summer precipitation variations in the western Chinese Loess Plateau during the last glacial. Scientific Reports, 2013, 3, 2785 (SCI-2).

[34]Rao Zhiguo, Xu Yuanbin, Xia Dunsheng, Xie Luhua, Chen Fahu. Variation and paleoclimatic significance of organic carbon isotopes of Ili loess in arid Central Asia. Organic Geochemistry, 2013, 63, 56-63 (SCI-2).

[35]Rao Zhiguo, Chen Fahu, Zhang Xiao, Xu Yuanbin, Xue Qian, Zhang Pingyu. Spatial and temporal variations of C3/C4relative abundance in global terrestrial ecosystem since the Last Glacial and its possible driving mechanisms. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(31), 4024-4035.

[36]Rao Zhiguo, Zhu Zhaoyu, Jia Guodong, Zhang Xiao, Wang Suping. Compound-specific hydrogen isotopes of long-chainn-alkanes extracted from topsoil under a grassland ecosystem in northern China. Science China (Earth Sciences), 2011, 54(12), 1902-1911.

[37]Xue Qian,Rao Zhiguo*, Wang Suping, Zhang Pingyu, Chen Fahu. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic study of carbonate along a loess/paleosol section located in southeastern edge of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011, 64(1), 237-246.

[38]Rao Zhiguo, Wu Yi, Zhu Zhaoyu, Jia Guodong, Andrew C.G. Henderson. Is the maximum carbon number of long-chainn-alkanes an indicator of grassland or forest? Evidence from surface soils and modern plants. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(16), 1714-1720.

[39]Rao Zhiguo, Zhu Zhaoyu, Jia Guodong, Chen Fahu, Loukas Barton, Zhang Jiawu, Qiang Mingrui. Relationship between climatic conditions and the relative abundance of modern C3and C4plants in three regions around the North Pacific. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(18), 1931-1936.

[40]Rao Zhiguo, Zhu Zhaoyu, Jia Guodong, Andrew C.G. Henderson, Xue Qian, Wang Suping. Compound-specific δD of long-chainn-alkanes derived from terrestrial higher plants are indicative of the δD of meteoric waters: Evidence from surface soils in eastern China. Organic Geochemistry, 2009, 40(8), 922-930 (SCI-2).

[41]Rao Zhiguo, Jia Guodong, Zhu Zhaoyu, Wu Yi, Zhang Jiawu. Comparison of the carbon isotope composition of total organic carbon and long-chainn-alkanes from surface soils in eastern China and their significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(24), 3921-3927.

[42]Rao Zhiguo, Zhu Zhaoyu, Zhang Jiawu. Different climatic controls of soil δ13Corgin three mid-latitude regions of the Northern Hemisphere since the Last Glacial period. Chinese Science Bulletin 2007, 52(2), 259-266.

[43]Rao Zhiguo, Zhu Zhaoyu, Chen Fahu, Zhang Jiawu. Does δ13Ccarbof the Chinese loess indicate past C3/C4abundance? A review of research on stable carbon isotopes of the Chinese loess. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2006, 25(17/18), 2251-2257 (SCI-1, top journal).

[44]Rao Zhiguo,Zhu Zhaoyu, Wang Suping, Jia Guodong, Qiang Mingrui, Wu Yi. CPI values of terrestrial higher plant-derived long-chainn-alkanes: a potential paleoclimatic proxy. Frontier of Earth Science in China, 2009, 3(3), 266-272 (SCI).

[45]饶志国*,秦倩倩,魏士凯,郭海春,李云霞.全新世温度研究回顾及对历史人地关系的启示.地理学报, 2022, 77(5), 1169-1180.

[46]郭海春,曹建涛,魏士凯,石福习,贾国东,卞昊昆,顾兆炎,饶志国*.中亚阿勒泰山南坡表土和泥炭沉积物GDGTs综合研究.第四纪研究, 2021, 41(4), 1069-1093.

[47]饶志国*,郭海春.北疆阿勒泰哈拉沙子高山泥炭岩芯孢粉记录是否指示全新世温度变化历史?第四纪研究, 2021, 41(2), 612-620.

[48]郭海春,田怡苹,魏士凯,易嘉慧,杨敏,欧阳睿,张东良,饶志国*.我国全新世泥炭α纤维素稳定碳同位素记录的对比与分析.第四纪研究, 2020, 40(5), 1136-1144.

联系方式:raozhg@hunnu.edu.cn; 15211035248.欢迎专业和英语基础好,思维活跃,能吃苦耐劳的有志青年报考硕士和博士研究生。

上一条:党委委员、副院长 李忠武

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